XSpring Private Equity Global Infrastructure Fund - Not for Retail Investors

XSpring Private Equity Global Infrastructure Fund - Not for Retail Investors




Date : 13/11/2024

Fund details

• The Fund has an objective to invest in foreign private equity units, whereby the Fund can have an investment ratio in private equity units up to 100%, at maximum, of its total invested capital through investment in Macquarie Global Infrastructure Fund Class I (USD) (Master Fund).

Suitable for

• Ultra High Networth investors who seek for diversifying their portfolio into infrastructure assets which are low in volatility and resilient to economic cycle.
• Ultra High Networth investors who seek for stable investment horizon of 3 years and 1 quarter in both capital appreciation and consistent cashflow


• The fund's objective is to invest in private equity, especially the firm categorized as "Core Infrastructure" sub sector that are based in OECD countries. While the Core Infrastructure sub sector is the infrastructure firms that have long term visible positive profit while resilient to the change in economic cycle. The fund also aims to provide both capital appreciation along with consistent cashflow for long term period.

Investment Policy

• The fund invest globally in Private Equity that classified as “Core Infrastructure” sector which is the lowest risk class among infrastructure sector

Risk level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8+
Low Medium to Low Medium to High High Very High Extremely High

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